PILLARS: Mobilising the community (French)
PILLARS: Preparing for disaster (French)
PILLARS: Seeking justice for all (French)
ROOTS 1&2: Advocacy Toolkit (French)
ROOTS 10: Organisational governance (French)
ROOTS 11: Partnering with the local church (French)
ROOTS 12: Human resource management (French)
ROOTS 13: Environmental sustainability (French)
ROOTS 3: Capacity self-assessment (French)
ROOTS 4: Peace-building within our communities (French)
ROOTS 5: Project cycle management (French)
ROOTS 6: Fundraising (French)
ROOTS 7: Child participation (French)
ROOTS 9: Reducing risk of disaster in our communities (French)
Umoja: Coordinator's and Facilitator's guides (French)
Umoja: Coordinator's Guide (French)
Umoja: Faciliator's Guide (French)
Why advocate for water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)? (French)
Why advocate on governance and corruption? (French)